Friday 25 April 2014

Class as a K-Stater

It's days like these where I am glad to be involved in agriculture. At K-State University I am taking the advanced beef science class. Each week we look at a different area of beef production by going out to visit and tour ranches and feedlots or having guests come to our class. This week we had a guest veterinarian, Dr Luis Mendonca from Brazil. 

Dr. Mendonca took us through the different types of calf malpresentations that are possible and demonstrated how to correct these positions to assist in what is hopefully a successful birth. I was really impressed by the demonstration unit that he had as we got to get some hands on action and have a go ourselves. 

It was really great to learn the techniques for correcting malpresentations, given that this procedure needs to be done in a short amount of time and when often when Murphy's Law comes in to play (i.e. when the vet is on another call!)

*this calf was already deceased and was not harmed in this procedure

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